
  • 湄公河综合执法安全合作中心

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澜湄执法中心应邀出席全球公共安全合作 论坛(连云港)2023年大会
发布时间:2023/9/25 11:41:18来源:本站作者:管理员 浏览次数:801 分享到:


From September 19-21, 2023, the 2023 Conference of Global Public Security Cooperation Forum was held in Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province. More than 500 government officials, heads of international organizations, professionals and scholars from over 50 countries and regions attended the conference to explore global collaboration in public security by sharing security concepts and discussing security countermeasures. Mr. You Xiaowen, Acting Secretary-General, and Mr. Davuth LY, Deputy Secretary-General, led the delegation to attend the 2023 Conference. 


Themed "One World, Common Security", the participants exchanged ideas on Forecasting Global Security Outlook, Pooling Multilateral Synergy on Public Security, Enhancing Governance Capacity Building, and Sharing Development Fruits Guaranteed by Security. Focusing on Capacity Building of the Law Enforcement under Lancang-Mekong Mechanism of the LMLECC, Mr. Davuth LY presented the joint operations, law enforcement capacity building and assistance projects conducted by the center in the session.

 期间,尤小文代理秘书长率中心代表团与柬埔寨内政部国务秘书波帕率领的代表团、老挝公安部副部长坎京率领的代表团和缅甸内政部副部长兼警察总监尼林昂率领的代表团进行了沟通交流。尤小文代理秘书长对柬、老、缅三国一直以来对中心的支持合作表示感谢 ,期望在下一步联合行动、澜湄区域六国部长级会议等工作开展密切合作。

During the conference, Mr. You Xiaowen led the delegation to meet with the delegations led by H.E. Police General Por Phak, State Secretary of the Ministry of Interior of Cambodia, H.E. Khamking Phuilamanyvong, Deputy Minister of Public Security of Laosand H.E. Ni Linn AungDeputy Minister of Home Affairs of Myanmar and Chief of Myanmar Police. Mr. You Xiaowen thanked Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar for their great supports and cooperation to the center, and looked forward to closer cooperation in the next step of joint action and the Lancang-Mekong Regional Ministerial Meeting.


电话:0871-8866888 传真:0871-8866888 E-mail:webmast@lm-lesc-center.org 网站备案号:滇ICP备17005551号-1

版权所有:澜沧江湄公河综合执法安全合作中心 承办:澜沧江湄公河综合执法安全合作中心
